
Our events

Here you can find all upcoming events. Not all events are listed at this time, but the calendar will be updated on an ongoing basis.

You can find the recordings of past events in our Diversity Collection. The password has been sent to our contact persons of the respective company.



23.07.2024 - Mentoring Start | Kick-Off Event

The cross-company mentoring program is starting its 2nd round this year. At the kick-off event on July 23, the tandems (match between mentors and mentees) will get to know each other for the first time and the course of the program will be presented. Candidates will be personally invited to this event by email.


01.08.2024 - Community Exchange Q3 🇩🇪/🇬🇧

Topic: Constructive dialog - dealing with criticism of diversity and hate speech

Date: 4 - 5 PM | August 1, 2024

This is another opportunity for you to get to know other We Stay PRIDE members, network in a relaxed after-work atmosphere and share experiences in the field of DEI. In addition to individual topics that you would like to discuss, we would also like to talk to you about the topic mentioned above.


Anmeldung Community Exchange Q3


13.09.2024 - #UNPINKED | The LGBTIQ+ Diversity Conference 🇩🇪+🇬🇧

After the successful launch of #UNPINKED as an in-person event last year, we are delighted to announce that the conference can take place live once again - in Berlin! Together with company representatives, diversity experts and community members, we would like to develop solutions at #UNPINKED to address the challenges of diversity, equity and inclusion.

Note: We Stay PRIDE partner companies have a contingent of free tickets included as part of the membership. Before you buy a ticket, please clarify internally whether you are entitled to a free ticket.

26.09.2024 - Diversity Basics Training 🇬🇧

Date: 10 - 11 AM | September 26, 2024

What exactly is behind the terms diversity, equity and inclusion and why do they play such an important role in the workplace?

In this training, we will teach interested employees the basics of diversity and the benefits that can come with it. Participants will learn about the different dimensions and levels of diversity and reflect on privilege and power relations. The aim of the session is also to raise awareness and understanding of inclusion and belonging and to encourage participants to actively participate in creating inclusive corporate cultures.


07.10 + 08.10.2024 - Introduction to LGBTIQ+ Diversity Management 🇬🇧

Date: 10 - 11.30 AM | October 7 & 8 , 2024

You want your company to become more LGBTIQ+ friendly, but don't know where to start? You would like to know what other companies are doing to support their queer employees? You already have advanced LGBTIQ+ diversity management and would like to know what measures you can implement to become a real champion?

Answers to these and many other questions can be found in our two-part online training course “Introduction to LGBTIQ+ Diversity Management”. With this training, we want to give organizations a comprehensive overview of LGBTIQ+ diversity in the workplace and the many ways in which a queer-friendly structure can be supported.

Note: We Stay PRIDE member companies have a contingency of free ("premium partner") tickets included in their membership.

Starter: 2 Tickets | Plus: 4 Tickets | Premium: 6 Tickets

10.10.2024 - LGBTIQ+ Awareness Training 🇩🇪

Date: 10 - 11.30 AM | October 10, 2024

LGBTIQ+ - Eine vielfältige Community

Teilnehmenden werden die Grundlagen des Themenbereichs LGBTIQ+ Diversity vermittelt. Durch Erklärung des Akronyms, der Definition und Unterscheidung von sexueller Orientierung, Geschlechtsidentität und zugewiesenem Geschlecht erlangen Mitarbeitende ein umfangreiches Verständnis von queerer Lebensvielfalt. Dieses Wissen legt den Grundstein für ein respektvolles Miteinander und einem Arbeitsklima, in dem sich alle wohlfühlen und entfalten können.iskriminierung und Mikro-Aggressionen, Allyship

Sensibilisierung für Herausforderungen

Im zweiten Themenblock werden spannende Studien herangezogen, um Teilnehmende für verschiedenste Herausforderungen queerer Menschen im Arbeitsleben zu sensibilisieren. Unter Anderem werden die Schwierigkeit mit dem Coming Out, Diskriminierungserfahrungen und Mikroaggressionen thematisiert. Auch für die gesellschaftliche und rechtliche Lage von LGBTIQ+ wird hier sensibilisiert.

Allyship - Das Wir zählt

Ein inklusives, wertschätzendes Arbeitsumfeld kann nur entstehen, wenn die Kultur und Mitarbeitende entsprechende Werte vertreten. Wie können wir dazu beitragen, dass sich alle wohlfühlen und weniger Raum für Mikroaggressionen und Diskriminierung entsteht? Wir geben Empfehlungen, die jede:r sich zu Herzen nehmen kann, und somit zu inklusiven Strukturen beiträgt.

Geschützter Raum für Austausch und Interaktion

Trotz des virtuellen Formats bieten diese Schulung Raum für Interaktion, denn begleitet werden die Inhalte von interaktiven Live-Umfragen. Unser Online- Tool bietet ebenso die Möglichkeit, anonyme Fragen zu stellen. Das macht es für viele oft angenehmer, ihre Wissenslücken zu diesem Thema zu adressieren. Im letzten Teil, dem Q&A, werden alle Fragen der Mitarbeitenden in einem geschützten, respektvollen Raum beantwortet.

10.10.2024 - LGBTIQ+ Awareness Training 🇬🇧

Date: 11.30 PM - 12.30 PM | October 10, 2024

LGBTIQ+ - A diverse community

Participants are taught the essentials of LGBTIQ+ diversity. By explaining the acronym, the definition and distinction of sexual orientation, gender identity and assigned gender, employees gain a comprehensive understanding of queer identities. This knowledge lays the foundation for respectful interaction and a working environment in which everyone can feel comfortable and thrive.

Raising awareness of challenges

In the second part, exciting studies will be referred in order to sensitize participants to various challenges queer people face in their working lives. Among other things, the difficulty of coming out, experiences of discrimination and microaggressions are addressed. The social and legal situation of LGBTIQ+ people is also discussed here.

Allyship - The „we“ counts

An inclusive, appreciative work environment can only develop if the culture and employees reflect corresponding values. How can we contribute to making everyone feel comfortable and creating less room for microaggressions and discrimination? We give recommendations that everyone can take to heart and thus contribute to inclusive structures.

Protected space for exchange and interaction

Despite the virtual format, this training offers room for interaction, as the content is accompanied by interactive live surveys. Our online tool also offers the possibility to ask anonymous questions. This often makes it more comfortable for people to address their knowledge gaps on the subject. In the final part, the Q&A, all employee questions are answered in a protected, respectful space.


12.11.2024 - DEI Focus Session Q4 🇩🇪

Date: 10 - 11 AM | November 12, 2024

Die Focus Sessions bieten interessierten Mitarbeitenden unserer We Stay PRIDE-Partnerunternehmen die Möglichkeit, ihre Diversity Kompetenzen zu spezifischen zu vertiefen.


Anmeldung Focus Session Q4

13.11.2024 - DEI Focus Session Q4 🇬🇧

Date: 10 - 11 AM | November 13, 2024

The Focus Sessions offer interested employees of our We Stay PRIDE partner companies the opportunity to deepen their diversity competencies.


Registration Focus Session Q4

14.11.2024 - PRIDE Office Day 🇩🇪/🇬🇧

Date: Whole Day | November 14, 2024

On PRIDE OFFICE DAY® you have the opportunity to celebrate LGBTIQ+ diversity in your company, create more visibility and give your workforce a special day.

28.11.2024 - Community Exchange Q4 🇩🇪/🇬🇧

Date: 4 - 5 PM | November 28, 2024

Am 28. November treffen Ansprechpersonen unserer We Stay PRIDE-Partnerunternehmen, LGBTIQ+ Netzwerkmitglieder und Vertreter:innen sowie alle interessierten Mitarbeitenden unserer We Stay PRIDE Partner beim Community Exchange zum Networken aufeinander.


Anmeldung Community Exchange Q4

Past events


24.06.2024 - DEI Focus Session Q3: Female Empowerment 🇩🇪

Let’s Talk Female Empowerment - Interview with Isabelle Hoyer

For this focus session, we have invited Isabelle Hoyer for an expert interview. Together with her, we will clarify some myths and questions around the topic of “female empowerment” and discuss how we can create conditions to promote the advancement of women in professional life. We will address topics such as equal pay and the gender pay gap, women in management positions, the relevance of strong employee networks and more.

Event details:

Expert interview with Isabelle Hoyer

Title: "Let's Talk Female Empowerment"

Time: June 24 , 12PM -1 PM


Isabelle Hoyer

Co-Founder & CEO of PANDA

LinkedIn | Website

Isabelle Hoyer is a founder and entrepreneur who has been committed to equality and diversity in the world of work for over ten years. With Employers for Equality, she and her team offer companies a unique diversity education program and work together with the most renowned diversity experts. As co-founder of the PANDA Women Leadership Network, Isabelle and her team create a platform for exchange and networking for currently over 4000 female executives. As a consultant for companies that want to change their culture in order to create equal opportunities for all employees, she is in close contact with companies, moderates panels and inspires as a speaker. As a mother of two adult children, Isabelle is also passionate about education, creating modern working environments and setting strong role models. Isabelle is originally from Dessau and has lived with her family near Munich for many years.


Let’s Talk Female Empowerment - Interview mit Isabelle Hoyer

28 + 29.06.2024 - STICKS & STONES Berlin 2024

Hey community! 🌈🚀 Get ready, because STICKS & STONES will be bigger, more colorful and more diverse than ever before in summer 2024! 🎉

For the first time, the SXS will take place over two days and will once again bring you lots of good vibes and exciting opportunities.

Immerse yourself in the world of STICKS & STONES, where LGBTIQ+ talents and allies meet employers who not only strive for talent, but also for diversity.

What can you expect? In addition to an impressive line-up of speakers who will inspire you with talks, panels and workshops on topics related to LGBTIQ+ in the workplace, there will also be plenty of tips on career planning. 🌟

But that's not all! You can look forward to a varied supporting program with yoga sessions, tattoo sessions, musical performances and live acts - just like you've seen in previous years. And as the icing on the cake, there will once again be free coaching and networking sessions, which will not only round off the program, but also offer space for networking and exchange.

Save the date and get ready for an unforgettable time full of opportunities, inspiration and lots of fun!


16.05.2024 - LGBTIQ+ Awareness & Allyship Training 🇩🇪

Date: 16.05.2024 | 11-12 Uhr

Language: German

LGBTIQ+ - Eine vielfältige Community

Teilnehmenden werden die Grundlagen des Themenbereichs LGBTIQ+ Diversity vermittelt. Durch Erklärung des Akronyms, der Definition und Unterscheidung von sexueller Orientierung, Geschlechtsidentität und zugewiesenem Geschlecht erlangen Mitarbeitende ein umfangreiches Verständnis von queerer Lebensvielfalt. Dieses Wissen legt den Grundstein für ein respektvolles Miteinander und einem Arbeitsklima, in dem sich alle wohlfühlen und entfalten können.iskriminierung und Mikro-Aggressionen, Allyship

Sensibilisierung für Herausforderungen

Im zweiten Themenblock werden spannende Studien herangezogen, um Teilnehmende für verschiedenste Herausforderungen queerer Menschen im Arbeitsleben zu sensibilisieren. Unter Anderem werden die Schwierigkeit mit dem Coming Out, Diskriminierungserfahrungen und Mikroaggressionen thematisiert. Auch für die gesellschaftliche und rechtliche Lage von LGBTIQ+ wird hier sensibilisiert.

Allyship - Das Wir zählt

Ein inklusives, wertschätzendes Arbeitsumfeld kann nur entstehen, wenn die Kultur und Mitarbeitende entsprechende Werte vertreten. Wie können wir dazu beitragen, dass sich alle wohlfühlen und weniger Raum für Mikroaggressionen und Diskriminierung entsteht? Wir geben Empfehlungen, die jede:r sich zu Herzen nehmen kann, und somit zu inklusiven Strukturen beiträgt.

Geschützter Raum für Austausch und Interaktion

Trotz des virtuellen Formats bieten diese Schulung Raum für Interaktion, denn begleitet werden die Inhalte von interaktiven Live-Umfragen. Unser Online- Tool bietet ebenso die Möglichkeit, anonyme Fragen zu stellen. Das macht es für viele oft angenehmer, ihre Wissenslücken zu diesem Thema zu adressieren. Im letzten Teil, dem Q&A, werden alle Fragen der Mitarbeitenden in einem geschützten, respektvollen Raum beantwortet.

Grundlagen aus dem LGBTIQ+ Wissen: Akronym, Coming-Out, Diskriminierung und Mikro-Aggressionen, Allyship


Anmeldung LGBTIQ+ Awareness Training

16.05.2024 - LGBTIQ+ Awareness & Allyship Training 🇬🇧

Date: 16.05.2024 | 12.30 PM - 1.30 PM

Language: English

LGBTIQ+ - A diverse community

Participants are taught the essentials of LGBTIQ+ diversity. By explaining the acronym, the definition and distinction of sexual orientation, gender identity and assigned gender, employees gain a comprehensive understanding of queer identities. This knowledge lays the foundation for respectful interaction and a working environment in which everyone can feel comfortable and thrive.

Raising awareness of challenges

In the second part, exciting studies will be referred in order to sensitize participants to various challenges queer people face in their working lives. Among other things, the difficulty of coming out, experiences of discrimination and microaggressions are addressed. The social and legal situation of LGBTIQ+ people is also discussed here.

Allyship - The „we“ counts

An inclusive, appreciative work environment can only develop if the culture and employees reflect corresponding values. How can we contribute to making everyone feel comfortable and creating less room for microaggressions and discrimination? We give recommendations that everyone can take to heart and thus contribute to inclusive structures.

Protected space for exchange and interaction

Despite the virtual format, this training offers room for interaction, as the content is accompanied by interactive live surveys. Our online tool also offers the possibility to ask anonymous questions. This often makes it more comfortable for people to address their knowledge gaps on the subject. In the final part, the Q&A, all employee questions are answered in a protected, respectful space.


Registration LGBTIQ+ Awareness Training

April 2024

16.04.2024 - DEI Focus Session Q2 🇩🇪

Recruiting im Fokus: Diversität und Inklusion Fördern

Date: April 16 , 12 - 1 PM

In dieser DEI Focus Session gehen wir auf die Bedeutung von Diversität in Recruitingprozessen ein und stellen Maßnahmen sowie Best-Practices vor, um eine vielfältige Belegschaft zu gewinnen und zu fördern. Von der inklusiven Stellenausschreibung bis zum Diversity Hiring beleuchten und diskutieren wir hier verschiedene Aspekte von DEI im Recruiting.


Anmeldung Focus Session Q2

17.04.2024 - DEI Focus Session Q2 🇬🇧

Spotlight on Recruiting: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

Date: April 17 , 12 - 1 PM

In this DEI Focus Session, we will address the importance of diversity in recruitment processes and present measures and best practices to attract and promote a diverse workforce. From inclusive job postings to diversity hiring, we will highlight and discuss various aspects of DEI in recruiting.


Registration Focus Session Q2

25.04.2024 - Community Exchange Q2 🇩🇪/🇬🇧

Date: April 25 , 4 - 5 PM

Exchange and networking of our partner companies. This is where contact persons and interested employees of our We Stay PRIDE partners come together to discuss current challenges or best practices in the DEI sector, learn from each other and network. This event takes place in English, if non-German speakers are present.


Anmeldung Community Exchange Q2

March 2024

05.03.2024 - Mentoring Kick-Off

On March 5th the WSP mentoring program will kick-off with a virtual meeting between nominated mentors and mentees. After a short impulse from the We Stay PRIDE team on the goal of this mentoring program as well as recommendations for fruitful mentorship, participants will get to know their partners and can have a first exchange in a break out seession.

Participants will be personally invited to this event via mail. No registration is needed.

14.03.2024 - Diversity Grundlagen Training 🇩🇪

Date: March 14, 12 - 1 PM

Language: German

Please note: We offer this trainings twice per year. The English version will take place on September 26 (see further down).

What exactly do the terms diversity, equity and inclusion mean and why do they play such an important role in the workplace? In this training, we introduce interested employees to the basics of diversity and the benefits that can come with it. Participants will learn about the different dimensions and levels of diversity and reflect on privilege and power relations. The aim of the session is also to raise awareness and understanding of inclusion and belonging and to encourage participants to actively participate in creating inclusive corporate cultures.

New date: 19.03. + 20.03.2024 - Einführung in LGBTIQ+ Diversity Management 🇩🇪

Date: March 19 and 20 , 11 AM - 12.30 PM

Language: German

Please note: We offer this trainings twice per year. The English version will take place on October 7 / 8 (see further down).

Brand new: With this training, we would like to give organizations a comprehensive overview of LGBTIQ+ diversity in the workplace and the many ways in which a queer-friendly structure can be supported. For details, please open the link below.

As a We Stay PRIDE partner, you have 2 (Starter), 3 (Plus) or 4 (Premium) tickets included, depending on your membership. Select the "Premium Partner Ticket" on the Eventbrite page.

February 2024

07.02.2024 - DEI Focus Session Q1: Unconscious Bias 🇩🇪

Focus Sessions offer interested employees of our We Stay PRIDE partner companies the opportunity to deepen their diversity skills and knowledge.

Event details:

Expert interview with Nathalie M. P. Sievers

Title: "Beat the Bias - Austausch zum Umgang mit unbewussten Vorurteilen am Arbeitsplatz"

Date: February 7, 12 - 1 PM


Nathalie Marie Pérez Sievers

Founder of The People Hub | HR / Recruitment Consultant & Business Trainer | DEI Consultant

LinkedIn | Website

With over a decade of experience in People & Culture and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Nathalie Marie Pérez Sievers is a sought-after expert. Her professional journey has taken her through start-ups, multinationals and digital agencies, until she finally founded The People Hub and The Diversity Hub. Here she combines her roles as a systemic organizational consultant, certified business trainer and speaker to support companies in implementing sustainable People & Culture and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion strategies.

Known for her practical yet grounded approach, Nathalie is a LinkedIn Content Creator, providing impulses that combine theory and practice. Her guiding principle: "A plan doesn't change your (working) life. A decision and the first step do" reflects her conviction that change must be actively shaped.

22.02.2024 - Community Exchange Q1 🇩🇪/🇬🇧

Date: February 22, 4 - 5 PM

Exchange and networking of our partner companies. This is where contact persons and interested employees of our We Stay PRIDE partners come together to discuss current challenges or best practices in the DEI sector, learn from each other and network. This event takes place in English, if non-German speakers are present.

Get in touch

Are you interested in our work in the field of LGBTIQ+ inclusion and empowerment? We look forward to hearing from you!

Monday - Friday: 9 - 17h

+49 (0) 30-2000-560-90

Uhlala GmbH

c/o Unicorn Workspaces

Gerichtstraße 51

13347 Berlin


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