The LGBTIQ+ Diversity Performance Index
Which companies in the DACH region demonstrate very successful LGBTIQ+ diversity management?
Who is succeeding in building sustainable structures for a culture of diversity? In which areas of LGBTIQ+ diversity management is there still unexploited potential?
Since 2021, we have been getting to the bottom of these questions with the publication of the annual PRIDE Champion Index. Large companies, small and medium-sized enterprises and public institutions can all take part in our questionnaire. In four categories, our PRIDE Champion Index provides an overview of the LGBTIQ+ diversity commitment of the participating companies and shows who is already demonstrating genuine appreciation as a diversity champion.
1. PRIDE Champion Index 2024
Participation in the PRIDE Champion Audit & Index 2024 is still possible until October 15. All companies that achieve at least 60% of the possible points in the auditing process and thus receive the PRIDE Champion seal can be included in the publication of the PRIDE Champion Index Report 2024.
On December 5, 2024, the UHLALA Group will publish the PRIDE Champion Index Report for the fifth time. Based on 75 questions, divided into four categories, our auditing process enables us to take stock of companies' current commitment and identifies potential for improvement. The overall results of all participating companies and organizations are published on the UHLALA Group website in the form of the PRIDE Champion Index Report. We differentiate between large, medium-sized and small companies as well as public institutions.
As in the past two years, the publication of the PRIDE Index 2024 will be accompanied by a partnership with ZEIT Verlag. We are very pleased to have ZEIT Verlag and the ZEIT Talent team on board as a renowned partner who will support us in making the PRIDE Index and the companies' successes accessible to a broad cross-media audience. If you have any questions about the partnership, please contact us at
2. Participation in the PRIDE Champion Index
Formal registration for the PRIDE Champion Audit & Index 2024 is required for participation. You will receive the registration form after sending an informal email to pride-index[at] If required, we will also be happy to provide you with a quote for participation.
Participation includes the following services:
Companies that have been awarded the PRIDE Champion seal can also book an optional marketing bundle, which includes the following services:
Verification and the PRIDE Champion Seal (if more than 60% of the possible points are achieved) are included in the price for the PRIDE Champion Index participation. The PRIDE Champion Marketing Bundle can also be booked as an option. The costs of all services are based on the size of the company:
Verification & PRIDE Champion Seal | PRIDE Champion Marketing Bundle
| |
Up to 50 employees | 1.000 € | 500 € |
50 to 500 employees | 2.000 € | 500 € |
500 or more employees | 2.500 € | 1.000 € |
Public institutions and administrations | 2.000 € | 500 € |
In large companies, several departments may need to be involved in answering the questions. You should therefore allow sufficient time to compile all the answers, including supporting documents.
It is possible to collect all answers and evidence in advance in an Excel document provided by us. The online tool does not have a manual buffer, so we recommend compiling all content in advance.
Participation in the Index is possible up to and including Tuesday, October 15, 2024. Content submitted after this deadline can unfortunately no longer be considered for publication in the PRIDE Index Report.
The PRIDE Champion Index questionnaire consists of around 75 questions on the topics of organizational structure, human resources, communication & visibility and legal framework & regulations.
No exact percentage results are published in the index. We transfer your total score and your results per category into a 5-point system. 5 points correspond to a result between 90 - 100%. The gradation is in half points, which means that a presentation with 4.5 points corresponds to a result of 80 - 90% of the possible points and so on.
In addition, we publish the names of the participating organizations and their industry affiliation. If your organization is one of the best participants, you will also be listed as a member of the top-ranked companies.
The best companies of a certain size will be presented as a group on a separate page in the PRIDE Index and collectively acknowledged for their extensive LGBTIQ+ diversity management. We will refrain from a detailed ranking and the presentation of explicit placements.
All information provided by the companies and the supporting documents submitted are checked individually by UHLALA Group consultants.
The questionnaire should ideally be completed by a person from the HR department, for example the diversity team or a member of the LGBTIQ+ company network.
4. Training
In addition to the PRIDE Index, UHLALA Learning is offering a two-part online training course "Introduction to LGBTIQ+ Diversity Management", which presents many topics and starting points from the auditing process. The planned dates will take place in October on the following days and with the respective focal points:
Attention: This training will be held in English!
UHLALA Premium Partners* can register up to two employees for the training free of charge, regular partners receive a 50% discount on the ticket price. For all other participants, the fee for both parts of the training together is €149.00 plus VAT. After registering via the button below, participants will receive the access data for both dates by email.
*UHLALA Premium Partners:
We Stay PRIDE members | (Chief) Executive Exhibitors at STICKS & STONES Berlin or Cologne | Hosts of #UNPINKED
Further UHLALA partners:
Hosts of the Unicorns in Tech Get-Together and Supporters | Partners of Proudr | Partners of ALICE | Further exhibitors of STICKS & STONES Berlin or Cologne | Participants of PRIDE Champion Audit & Index
5. PRIDE Index 2023
At the end of 2023, more than 70 employers set an example for the appreciation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ+) employees and demonstrated with their efforts what is possible in the area of LGBTIQ+ diversity management.
In addition to their overall results, their achievements in the four categories of organizational structure, human resources, communication & visibility and legal framework & regulations are also presented below.
The organizations are presented in alphabetical order and the respective results have been transferred into a 5-point scheme for easy comparison. In our comprehensive PRIDE Index Report we go into more detail on the results and key findings. The report can be downloaded free of charge here:
Download now possible without requesting contact details
As the UHLALA Group, we are the leading LGBTIQ+ social business in Germany and beyond. Since 2009, we have been driving social change and actively shaping the LGBTIQ+ friendly world of tomorrow. We work with companies and organizations to use our expertise as LGBTIQ+ diversity experts to bring about lasting and positive change in corporate cultures. In doing so, we encourage LGBTIQ+ friendly structures and create open and appreciative working and study environments for LGBTIQ+ people.