PRIDE Office Day® meets

Trans Awareness Week:

Don't drop the T!


The 3rd PRIDE Office Day will take place this year on the 14th of November 2024. On the occasion of Trans Awareness Week, we celebrate trans, inter and non-binary gender identities with the aim of giving them visibility and creating more awareness for them. Trans Awareness Week is an important week for the LGBTIQ+ community - and is closely linked to the visibility and recognition of important activists in the queer scene - an important occasion to organise this day together with your LGBTIQ+ employees!

What is PRIDE Office Day®?

On PRIDE Office Day® you have the opportunity to celebrate LGBTIQ+ diversity in your company and also create more visibility and give your workforce a special day. The visibility of queer employees is often limited to PRIDE Month. Events are organised, CSDs are attended or rainbow flags are placed in the office. Company logos are often brightly coloured during this time of year to show solidarity with the LGBTIQ+ community. And that's a good thing! PRIDE Office Day does not just focus measures and campaigns on PRIDE Month. PRIDE Office Day supports organisations in the implementation of sustainable LGBTIQ+ diversity management. In this way, attention is also paid to the (trans) community outside of PRIDE Month and appreciation is expressed within the organisation.


PRIDE Office Day® programme

Gender Diversity Training

On the occasion of the Trans Awareness Week we offer a compact Gender Diversity Training. We Stay PRIDE members can take part in this training free of charge.

Titel: Gender Diversity Training 

Date: 14.11.2024 (same day as PRIDE Office Day® 2024)


🇩🇪 11AM - 12PM ->Zur Anmeldung

🇬🇧 4PM - 5PM -> To Registration


Company: 500 € (exkl. MwSt)

Single ticket: 50 € (exkl. MwSt)

We Stay PRIDE members 0 €

Feel free to use this training as a supplement to your campaign on PRIDE OFFICE DAY® 2023. We look for ward to seeing you!

  • Details about PRIDE Office Day ® 
  • Trans Awareness Week
  • What is trans?
Details about PRIDE Office Day ® 

PRIDE Office Day takes place on a different LGBTIQ+ specific day every year. This year it will take place during Trans Awareness Week, so the focus will be on trans people.

PRIDE Office Day is an idea and suggestion for our partners to give visibility to LGBTIQ+ on a day outside of PRIDE Month. The partners should organise their own internal event. Together with several partners, we can organise a major campaign and raise awareness of transgender issues.

On PRIDE Office Day, 14 November, we are offering two gender diversity training sessions in both German and English. You can find more information here.

We would also like to dedicate this day to a queer organisation. This year, 50% of the proceeds will go to "Bundesverband Trans*"

About the programme: You can purchase individual tickets or company tickets. We will donate 50% of the ticket proceeds to a queer organisation to help them continue their great work.

We Stay PRIDE members can attend the training free of charge.

A few weeks later, you will receive a report on PRIDE Office Day. There we will report on the actions of all companies.

Trans Awareness Week

Trans Awareness Week takes place from 13 to 19 November. The week helps to create more visibility for the trans community and to raise awareness outside their own ranks. Organisations, companies, community members, but also political actors launch measures or initiatives with a special focus on trans people.

The week is followed by the "Transgender Day of Remembrance" (20 November 2024), a special day of remembrance for all trans people who experience discrimination, rejection and violence in many areas of life

This is why we are focussing our attention on the trans community and would also like to make a contribution. This week in particular, we can take a closer look at the areas in which trans people experience difficulties and how they can best be supported. The aim is to reduce prejudice, discrimination and microaggressions.

There are many different ways to be an ally for trans people:

  • You can let trans colleagues tell their personal stories (if they want to) to learn more about their lives and better understand their difficulties.
  • Educate yourself in this area: training courses, workshops, further education, etc.
  • Take action when discrimination occurs, i.e. name the discrimination as such, contact those affected and offer your support.
  • Do not just ask for personal information such as operations, coming out, etc.
  • Offer your pronouns and use the pronouns of your counterpart.
  • If possible, use gender-neutral language. This way you include all people.
What is trans?

The word trans is used as an adjective and is therefore always written in lower case, just like other adjectives, e.g. blonde, tall, slow. Trans comes from Latin and means "beyond" or "above" and is understood as a generic term. In relation to gender identities, it specifically means that trans people do not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. The typical and often criticised way in which a person's gender is assigned, e.g. on official documents, usually happens after birth by simply looking at the genitals and is usually decided by doctors. If a person does not identify with the assigned gender, then there are a variety of gender identities with which the person can best identify: non-binary, genderqueer, agender, etc. or also with one of the binary genders "man" or "woman".

Here it is important to clarify that the designation/indication "trans" is an individual decision of the person concerned, because the identification in this case is the gender identity/gender (i.e. woman, man, non-binary, agender, etc.) and trans primarily only describes the non-conformity with the assigned gender.  

In this context, there are other terms that are also used by affected persons, such as transgender, transsexual or transident.

Incidentally, people who identify with the gender they have been assigned are described as "cis", which is also an adjective meaning "on this side".

50% of the proceeds will go to Bundesverband Trans* (BVT*)

Bundesverband Trans* (BVT*)

The Bundesverband Trans* (BVT*) was founded in 2015. The BVT* sees itself as an association of individuals, groups, clubs, associations and initiatives at regional, state and national level. The common endeavor is the commitment to gender self-determination and diversity. The BVT* is committed to human rights in terms of respect, recognition, equality, social participation and health for trans* people and people who are not part of the binary gender system.

You can also support BVT* yourself at any time:

Bundesverband Trans

IBAN: DE54 4306 0967 1186 9289 00



Donate with PayPal


For a tax-deductible donation receipt, please write "Donation" and your address in the reference field of the bank transfer.

Ideas for your PRIDE Office Day ®

Breakfast/ lunch or dinner together

Drinks / Bar

Get together

Ein Get together kann auch sehr einfach gehalten werden, ohne viel zu organisieren.

Vielleicht genügt es schon, dass ihr zusammen kommt und euch feiert!

Get together

Training / Workshop

  • LGBTIQ+ Awareness & Allyship Training speziell für den PRIDE OFFICE DAY.
  • Beim Kauf eines Tickets bekommt ihr eine Bestätigungsemail mit dem MS Teams Link ganz unten. Diesen könnt ihr intern mit euren Mitarbeitenden teilen. Das Training ist auf deutsch und dauert 60 Minuten. Für den Erwerb des Tickets und mehr Informationen hier.
  • Organisiert eure eigenen Trainings oder Workshops zum PRIDE OFFICE DAY, z.B. macht ein Treffen für Netzwerkinteressierte, eine Fragerunde von Allies an LGBTIQ+ Menschen, o.Ä.

Training / Workshop


  • Moonlight
  • Call me by your name
  • Paris is burning
  • Boys don’t cry
  • Trans America
  • Disclosure
  • Carol
  • Dallas Buyers Club
  • The Danish Girl
  • Freier Fall
  • Tangerine LA
  • Beautiful Thing
  • Blau ist eine warme Farbe
  • The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson
  • Monster
  • ARD, ZDF, Arte, 3sat: Mediathek


  • Leslie Feinberg: Stone Butch Blues
  • Jeffrey Eugenides: Middlesex
  • Michael Cunningham: The Hours
  • Oscar Wilde: The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • Hanya Yanagihara: A little fan
  • Linus Giese: Ich bin Linus. Wie ich der Mann wurde, der ich schon immer war.
  • Alan Downs: The Velvet Rage: Overcoming the Pain of Growing Up Gay in a Straight Man’s World
  • Casey McQuiston: Red, White & Royal Blue: A Novel
  • Robert Beachy: Das andere Berlin: Die Erfindung der Homosexualität: Eine deutsche Geschichte 1867 – 1933
  • Alice Walker: The color purple
  • Virginia Woolf: Orlando
  • Akwaeke Emezi: The death of Vivek Oji
  • Lori Ostlund: After the Parade
  • Chinelo Okparanta: Under the Udala Trees

Media tips


Es gibt viele Spielmöglichkeiten, virtuell oder physisch. Eine gute Übersicht gibt hier.



Eine Möglichkeit ist es, Menschen im Unternehmen zu interviewen und diese am Tag des POD zu veröffentlichen.

Das können Netzwerkmitarbeitende sein, Allies oder Personen aus dem Vorstand.


Gründung: Netzwerk

Der PRIDE OFFICE DAY kann eine super Gelegenheit sein, ein LGBTIQ+ Netzwerk zu gründen oder eine erste Versammlung ins Leben zu rufen.

Tipp: wir bieten Workshops zur Netzwerkgründung an und begleiten euch in euren ersten Schritten.

Network Foundation


Hattet ihr vor, neue Maßnahmen einzuführen? Dann nutzt diesen Tag dafür.

Maßnahmen könnten beispielsweise eine genderneutrale Toilette, neue Kommunikationsstrategien, usw.



Social-Media Posts

  • "Uns ist LGBTIQ+ das ganze Jahr wichtig, nicht nur im Pride Month. Deshalb sind wir Teil des PRIDE OFFICE DAYS® und zeigen heute Flagge für mehr Wertschätzung unseren queeren Mitarbeitenden gegenüber."
  • "Pride ist nicht nur im Juni und Juli, sondern das ganze Jahr. Deshalb zeigen wir heute Flagge für mehr Diversity und Wertschätzung von queeren Mitarbeitende."
  • "LGBTIQ+ ist uns 365 Tage im Jahr wichtig! Deshalb nehmen wir am PRIDE OFFICE DAY teil und stärken unseren Zusammenhalt für mehr Diversity und Vielfalt"

Ihr könnt außerdem folgende Hashtags nutzen:

  • #POD2022
  • #PrideOfficeDay
  • #POD
  • #LGBTIQ+
  • #LGBT
  • #Queer
  • #UHLALAGroup

Social-Media Posts


Photo Campaign



Eine Videaktion kann ähnlich wie die Interviews gehalten werden, in dem unterschiedliche Personen Interviews zu LGBTIQ+ geben. Es können auch individuelle Coming-Out Erfahrungen in den Videos geteilt werden.

Video Campaign


Registration for the PRIDE Office Day is open. Participation in the POD is free of charge.


Get in touch

Are you interested in our work in the field of LGBTIQ+ inclusion and empowerment? We look forward to hearing from you!

Monday - Friday: 9 - 17h

+49 (0) 30-2000-560-90

Uhlala GmbH

c/o Unicorn Workspaces

Gerichtstraße 51

13347 Berlin


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